If you are looking for a quality vacation, at the Bee Clinic in Bačko Novo Selo, expect relaxation, peace, good food, enjoyment of nature, and escape from everyday life and problems.
The Gasparovski beekeeping farm is the place where acacia smells best.
Beekeeping is carried out in compliance with organic principles. The clinic, a unique project in Serbia and in most of Europe, will allow you to stay in a space with bees. It should be noted that it is completely harmless, since there is no direct contact with bees.
What are the benefits of staying in a bee microclimate?
- Rest and rehabilitation of the organism
- Cardiovascular, nervous and respiratory systems regenerate
- Rheumatic, skin, urinary, as well as gynecological problems are reduced
- Regular therapies will have a beneficial effect on your kidneys (stones), joints, potency or insomnia
Apitherapy – “bee therapy” includes phytotherapy, acupuncture, or staying in a wooden house, the so-called “vuliki”, under which are beehives.
If you want to try therapies, natural bee products and enjoy the beautiful nature, contact us and spend unforgettable vacation!
Information and reservations: info@tim-serbia.rs